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On Tuesday 12 th December Kenya marked her 54 th Jamhuri Day, a day celebrated each year to commemorate the day when this country became...

Governor Mvurya Calls for Peaceful Co-existence

On Tuesday 12th December Kenya marked her 54th Jamhuri Day, a day celebrated each year to commemorate the day when this country became a republic after gaining full independence from the United Kingdom in 1963. Regarded as Kenya's most important day, Jamhuri Day is marked at National, and County levels.

This year Kwale County held its celebrations at Shimba Hills in Kubo South ward, colorful celebrations led by H.E Governor Salim Mvurya and the County Commissioner Ngumo Karuku.

In his speech Governor Mvurya urged the residents of Kwale County and Kenyans in general to co-exist in peace and not to allow divisions along tribal and political lines. The Governor who is serving his second and last term in office reiterated that Kenyans from all communities and political divides have a right to be served equally without any sort of discrimination in Kwale County.   

Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya / Photo: Ali Kipapuro.
"Everybody is your neighbor irrespective of which community they come from. You will only go to your neighbor to ask for salt. You cannot go to Nairobi to borrow salt but to your neighbor." The Governor explained.

He emphasized that peace and unity are key to political and economical stability in any nation in the world. At the same time Governor Mvurya asked Kenyans to shun political leadership that incites one people against the other, calling such leadership a catalyst for destruction.

He has also called upon leaders from all levels and political divides to strive in uniting Kenyans for ease of better service delivery to the nation.

"Elections are over now, and every leader needs to fulfil the promises he gave to his electorates during the campaign period." He said.

Touching on the issue of education in Kwale County, Governor Mvurya assured that all students from this county who will get admission to national schools will get full sponsorship for the secondary education under the County Government’s ‘Elimu Ni Sasa’ initiative. His assurance comes at a high time when Kwale County produced the 4th best student in the country, in this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations, a big achievement to this County.

At the same time Governor Mvurya stated that Kwale County Government will continue working hand in hand with the National Government in an aim to achieve set development agendas especially in the infrastructure and health sectors. Currently the upgrading projects of Samburu-Kinango and Lunga Lunga-Vanga roads to bitumen, and the expansion project of Ukunda airstrip are underway.

Kwale County Commissioner Ngumo Karuku / Ali Kipapuro.
The Governor also touched on the health sector saying that the County Government of Kwale is devoted to ensuring that Kwale residents enjoy quality and accessible healthcare services. Already Msambweni Referral Hospital has a modern ICU unit, an equipped dialysis room, a blood bank among other modern facilities.

On his part, Kwale County Commissioner Ngumo Karuku assured Kwale residents that his administration will work together with County Government for easy of service delivery to all citizens. He also called upon the people of Kwale to co-exist peacefully and maintain law and order all the time.

The colorful County Jamhuri Day celebrations held at Shimba Hills were filled up with entertainment from various groups including youth groups invited to showcase their talents. 

Kwale Arts
Sky Blue

Several officials from both levels, the County and National government attended this ceremony among them County CEC member and administration officers.